Real estate and construction law

Experts in real estate and construction law

Our law firm offers comprehensive services and legal advice in the field of real estate and construction

We provide our clients with an individual and professional approach, ensuring they always feel safe and confident that their rights and interests are protected.

specialiste na pravo nemovitosti | Real estate and construction law

Services we offer

  1. Resolving legal relationships of complex real estate entities such as industrial zones, former production sites, storage facilities, landfills, mining areas, shopping centers, etc.
  2. Resolving co-ownership systems, preemptive rights, third-party properties on client’s real estate, utility networks, railway sidings, heritage-protected buildings, and adverse possession issues
  3. Comprehensive due diligence of real estate or their complexes for buyers
  4. Real estate transactions – preparation of transfer contracts (purchase, exchange, donation, deposit), lease agreements, and similar contracts for real estate (leasehold, agricultural lease, construction agreements), easement agreements, building rights, and property management contracts (facility management).
  5. Comprehensive consultancy for development projects – preparation of contractual documents in the construction phase (construction agreements, author or construction supervision contracts, agreements on the transfer of rights and obligations from building permits, etc.) and the transfer phase (reservation contracts, future purchase agreements, purchase agreements, purchase price escrow, pledge contracts, mortgages).
  6. Preparation of ownership structures for assets
  7. Issues regarding the division and consolidation of properties.
  8. Handling related court and other disputes (adverse possession, right of way, unjust enrichment)
  9. Consultancy and representation in proceedings before the cadastral office.
cta pozadi | Real estate and construction law

Do you need assistance with real estate and construction law

pomoc s pravem nemovitosti | Real estate and construction law