Sports law

Experts in sports law

Our law firm specializes in sports law, both in professional and amateur sports.

Sports law is a specific area dealing with relationships related to the organization of sports activities and encompassing various branches of domestic and international law. Our lawyers have extensive experience in this area of legal practice.

specialiste na sportovni pravo | Sports law

Services we offer

  1. Standard contractual matters for sports clubs and athletes. Contract audits and reviews.
  2. Comprehensive legal services for athletes and sports clubs, including preparation of documentation related to their activities, such as:
    • player contracts

    • business licenses

    • locating funding schemes

    • grant applications

    • sample documents from clubs and others
  3. Transfers and loan deals for athletes. Domestic and international transfers and loans
  4. Resolving disputes related to decisions of sports federations, government authorities, courts, arbitration proceedings, or disciplinary proceedings
  5. Marketing, sponsorship, and advertising. Donation agreements, contracts for provision and rental of advertising space
  6. Tax matters
cta pozadi | Sports law

Do you need assistance with sports law

pomoc se sportovnim pravem | Sports law