Transport technology

Experts in transport technology

We specialize in providing comprehensive legal support to Czech and foreign commercial companies in the transportation sector for their business activities in the Czech Republic. Our long-term dedication to transportation allows us to provide highly specialized legal advice considering all the sector’s specifics.

In addition to routine business tasks such as employment and corporate law issues, we provide our transportation clients with highly focused expertise tailored to the transportation environment.

specialiste na transport technology | Transport technology

Our expertise covers:

  1. Acquisition and upgrading or repairing of rolling stock
  2. Approval and certification of rolling stock and their subsystems for operational purposes
  3. Prototype testing
  4. Railway declarations
  5. Compliance with Czech and European railway or road regulations
  6. Public service commitment
  7. Competence of the Railway Authority, the Office for Access to Transport Infrastructure, and road administrative agencies
  8. Regulations for operating road transpor
  9. Train driver licenses, transport permits
  10. Access to subsidies within current operational programs for transport
  11. ETCS train control systems
  12. Safety certificates and rules regarding the maintenance of transport vehicles, etc.
cta pozadi | Transport technology

Do you need assistance with transport technology?

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